As a Trusted Microsoft Partner, Lily AI Is Now Available On The Microsoft Azure Marketplace

Partner Spotlight: Microsoft

Lily AI is available on The Microsoft Azure Marketplace, bringing our AI-powered product attribution product to retailers in the Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC) program.

Microsoft is a leader in AI, and has famously invested in and partnered with the best of the best AI companies. For two years, Lily AI has been a part of the highly selective Microsoft Partner Network and we are strengthening this partnership. As part of the ISV (Independent Software Vendor) Hub, we are bringing our AI-powered product attribution capabilities to retailers in the Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC) program more quickly and efficiently.

Here’s the great news for brands and retailers: Lily AI is available within the Microsoft Azure Consumption Commitment (MACC) program, allowing those who have a committed annual spend on Microsoft Azure to quickly and seamlessly start harnessing Lily AI’s customer-centric product attributes and product copy into their marketing, marketplaces, and e-commerce platforms. This drives upwards of 9-figure revenue lifts for our customers, touching several parts of the customer experience, such as Google Search, Site Search, Recommended Products, Content Generation, and more. 

Lily AI’s extensive taxonomy works in concert with generative AI, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and small language models to solve highly-specific problems for the retail vertical. In fact, many joint Lily AI and Microsoft customers have already seen significant business impact, from speed to launch to operational improvements and sales gains. Below are just two recent success stories.

One of the world’s largest global marketplaces: 

  • The Need: To enrich and normalize attributes for millions of products, from a wide variety of retailers.
  • The Solution: By adding and standardizing missing product attributes, Lily was able to deliver major improvements to Google Search performance. 
  • The Results: +16% increase in clicks, +22% increase in sales

A major US and international retailer:

  • The Need: To improve attribution accuracy and coverage across both first and third-party products. 
  • The Solution: Thanks to Lily AI, this retailer was able to meaningfully and measurably improve overall data quality as well as achieve major revenue improvements with minimal technical investment.
  • The Results: +8% improvement in data quality scores

Want to learn more? Schedule time with our team and we’ll show you how easy it is to get started!

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Leveraging generative AI, computer vision, natural language processing, machine and deep learning, Lily AI enhances customer shopping experiences by injecting human-centered language throughout the retail ecosystem to improve search and discovery, everywhere.
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