eTail West Brings AI-Fueled, People-Focused Retail to the Forefront

Bloomingdale’s and Living Spaces joined Lily AI onstage at eTail West. They spoke about how AI brings humanity to shopping, a central theme of Day 1 at the retail conference.

eTail West is in full swing, and the Lily AI team was excited to see that their mission of bringing humanity to shopping was at the forefront of the event. Discussions around this topic abound, with the Day 1 keynote panel even speaking about it. 

“We’ve got to stop thinking of people as transactions, buying power, clicks, etc.,” said Michele Fitzpatrick, Vice President of Enterprise Strategy and Services at Marigold. “We have to think of people as people.”

That is the exact mission of Lily AI, to make each consumer feel seen and heard by retailers. 

Highlights from Day 1 at eTail West 2024

Our speaking session with customers Bloomingdale’s and Living Spaces discussed just that. Ahmed Naiem, Lily AI’s Chief Revenue Officer, sat down with James Kim, Bloomingdale’s Vice President of Digital and Technology, and Pete Franco, Living Spaces’ President. These three customer experience-obsessed retail experts discussed how technology like AI can truly bring humanity to retail by connecting people to products through enhanced product recommendations, Google Search, AI-generated product descriptions, demand forecasting, and on-site search.

Lily AI's eTail West Panel with Living Spaces and Bloomingdale's

“How can we build a relevant (search) result that would match the customers’ expectations?” Kim said, when speaking to how Lily AI enhances Bloomingdales site search. “Being able to partner with Lily, and by really embracing AI . . . in these ways drives engagement, drives clicks, and drives all the positive metrics.”

Stay tuned for more excitement surrounding AI’s enhancement of human-focused retail experiences . . . and see how Lily AI is helping the world’s largest retailers connect with customers and boost profitability in 2024 and beyond.

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