TechTalks Return, New Market Opens
For those of us attending Shoptalk since the first in 2026, you might remember the TechTalks. These were special sessions where hot new technologies shared how they can help retailers through live product demos and customer case studies.
TechTalks, unlike the main keynote and track sessions, are meant to give attendees a quick yet hyper-effective overview of varying new technologies, much like how Meetups are meant to facilitate faster and more productive connections!
Shoptalk first brought the TechTalks back to Shoptalk Europe in Barcelona, and they were a huge hit. Of course, Lily AI being a major draw couldn’t hurt! In case you missed our session Bringing Humanity to Shopping with Lily AI, you can still watch the recording any time.
The Search for Lily AI at Shoptalk
Fast forward to Shoptalk Spring, TechTalks are returning and making their debut in The New Market, “Shoptalk’s new event designed to explore this thrilling, ever-shifting landscape—where retail media meets the explosive rise of next-generation discovery channels.”
In addition to finding Lily AI on the expo hall floor at booth #1914 and in the Meetups, you’ll be able to catch our Co-Founder and CEO, Purva Gupta, presenting the Lily AI TechTalk for Marketing, Digital, and E-Commerce leaders happening on Wednesday at 12:05. Be sure to add that to your calendar!
How A.L.C. Elevates Digital Experiences
Why are we so excited? One of our favorite contemporary fashion brands (who also happens to be an early Lily AI customer!), A.L.C. is joining Purva to tell their story during our TechTalk! Hilary Peterson is a digital pro and early tech adopter who knows the importance of testing and innovation in order to deliver the incredible luxury experience that A.L.C. customers expect.
Our session will show how and why A.L.C. partnered with Lily AI to bridge the gap between product data and customer intent by integrating Lily AI’s product attributes and content optimization across their marketing and ecommerce stack. The impact? A.L.C. is boosting product discoverability and sales, and curating smarter, more enjoyable shopping experiences for all.
See you in Vegas!