When Is the Right Time to Transform Your Product Attributes?

When Is the Right Time to Transform Your Product Attributes?

Pre-launch, re-platforming, merging, reorganizing, or business as usual—no matter the state of your business, it’s always the right time to prioritize product attributes. This guide shows you why and how to implement attribution transformation projects at any point.

To put it frankly, it’s always the right time to improve your product attributes! While this is a universal truth, each retailer has a unique position and situation that impacts how easy or difficult this task is. 

Retail tech stacks vary. Everyone has different amounts of time and people available to make improvements. Variables like these may lead you to think that “now’s not the time” to improve your product attributes or Product Information Management(PIM) health. Even starting data improvement may feel like an impossible task.

Poor quality product attributes—and even basic or sub-par product attribution—equates to missed revenue opportunities. This is because AI-powered product attribution enhances product discoverability, improves customer experience, and grows sales. In fact, AI can improve productivity in ranges from 5:1 to 100:1 or more, creating a $1.7 trillion opportunity for retailers. Additionally, the revenue opportunities presented by retail AI are undeniable, as 69% of retailers who use it report an increase in annual revenue, directly attributed to their AI adoption.

Implementing customer-centric product attributes with AI is the fastest and most thorough method of overhauling your product attributes. With Lily AI, these attributes are detailed and timely, and they more effectively connect customers to the products they want. 

With that in mind—and no time or revenue to spare—we’ll take a look at how you can empower your ecommerce with AI, by improving your product attributes and PIM health, no matter what your situation looks like. 

A Guide to Transform Your Product Attributes, No Matter Where You’re At

Are You Pre-Revenue or Pre-Launch?

What wonderful timing! You can get started with Lily AI quickly and easily, building clean data and better customer experiences from the ground-up. 

To get started, you’ll need to share product images and basic text that describes them. Lily AI uses a mix of generative AI, machine learning, deep learning, computer vision, and small language models to generate product attributes from your text and images. It can also generate content based on CAD files or sketches, though photos and text generally provide more detailed outputs. The attributes Lily creates are highly-detailed and inclusive of product features and customer language people use when shopping.

As you work with Lily, our team of experts will collaborate with your teams on taxonomy mapping and alignment, from the very beginning as you launch your ecommerce shop.

Are You Re-Platforming?

This is a critical time to kill two birds with one stone. You don’t just have to migrate your existing data to a new platform. Instead, you can migrate enriched data into a new system and a new taxonomy

It’s absolutely critical that retailers have everything ecommerce-focused in order, as we see the worlds of AI-powered search and the ways people shop are changing. Upgrading your product data and taxonomy, while simultaneously replatforming your PIM, means that you’ll start fresh with massively improved customer experiences, product discoverability, and the ability to better connect with potential customers through both paid and organic search

You Don’t Have a PIM or Similar Product Management Tool?

Do you rely on an e-commerce platform alone, like Shopify? Retailers who do are in the perfect position to bolster their product attributes by way of AI. Whether you’re integrated directly into Shopify or a simple batch file via SFTP, we can help. 

Lily AI will provide you with clean, accurate, complete, and up-to-date data to import into any ecommerce platform or tool you use. For example, with our Shopify integration, brands and retailers can automatically export their product catalogs to Lily AI. The integration delivers attributes downstream, while simultaneously ingesting data directly from Shopify, without working with flat files or batch files. As a part of this process, retailers receive product attributes that describe physical product details, as well as trends, occasions, and styles.

This makes it faster and easier than ever to enrich your entire product catalog with high-converting, customer-centric product attributes. You can check out the full list of our Integration partners here, though Lily is tech-agnostic and can integrate with any system you use!

You Already Have Base-Level Product Attribution?

Let’s say you already have some basic product attribution capabilities in place . . . or you rely on vendor-contributed attributes throughout your store. In all likelihood, these attributes aren’t customer-centric. Rather, they’re probably retailer-centric or just plain generic, using language of your industry or from a horizontal generative AI solution like ChatGPT. 

Only a retail-focused AI that injects customer language throughout your product attributes will level up your product discoverability. Lily AI stands out here, due to its robust, inclusive, and very extensive taxonomy. This includes 20k attributes, which detail: 

  • Object Attributes: Including item types, materials
  • Subjective Attributes: Including styles, occasions
  • Attribute Synonyms: Such as “glossy” vs. “high shine”
  • Macro and Micro Trends: Such as Barbiecore, Modern Farmhouse, or Clean Girl
  • Customer Language Enrichments: Like site search queries, SEO terms
  • International Language: Including localized terms, translations

The pace of AI can’t be beat either, as it consistently keeps product attributes, titles, and descriptions clean, accurate, and updated to reflect current customer language. With trend cycles moving faster than ever, this is the most effective means to keep pace with the customer.

6 Steps to E-Commerce Site Search That Converts

Ready to Get Your Product Attributes In Order?

Learn how to supercharge product discovery and sales with AI-powered, customer-centric product attributes.
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